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About the Founder

Marcia L. Menefield is an event consultant, author, prayer intercessor, a Certified Personal & Executive Coach (CPEC) and is well known in her community of friends and colleagues as a gifted event producer.


Marcia's Story

Discovering God's Faithfulness in Times of Adversity

Like millions of people throughout the globe, Marcia was at home for long stretches of time during the pandemic. As she sat in quiet and solitude, she contemplated the multiple challenges she was facing in her life, including grief over the loss of her mother.

The Creation of Pentherapy

During this time Marcia was determined to manage the overwhelming emotions and circumstances by delving deep into that inner being of creativity and self-assurance. She decided to put pen to paper and allow her creativity to emerge.


As she poured out her heart before the Lord on paper, Marcia discovered a journaling method that moved her from grief and confusion to passion and purpose. Marcia was confident that she could help others experience this same powerful transformation with "Pentherapy".


What is Pentherapy?

Pentherapy is a therapeutic process of writing, drawing and even doodling as a means of expression during pivotal times in your life. As you allow your passion, your dreams, your purpose, your grief, your confusion, and your questions to flow through your pen or pencil the Lord will rush in to provide comfort, creativity, revelation and even strategy.

Through her personal experience of applying Pentherapy, God led Marcia to create several journals, note cards, jotter sheets, and purposeful gift boxes. These items were designed specifically to encourage, ignite, and inspire people toward an intimate mindful moment of discovery with your pen or pencil.

Write on with passion and purpose!

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