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Coins and a hundred dollar bill with an empty notebook on a marble table

Money Momentum

by Marcia Menefield, 2022

I mismanaged my finances.
I am owning those bad choices.
I am on a journey of financial literacy.
I am learning and initiating opportunities to change.
I am trustworthy in managing my treasures.
I am on a balanced budget.
I am a good steward of my resources.
I am a tither and cheerful giver.
I am abundantly blessed financially.
I am a lender not a borrower.
I am a philanthropist.

I will continue to work, tithe, spend less, and eliminate bad debt. I will depend on the Holy Spirit as He help me to focus and discipline my spending and saving behaviors.

I will trust Him and lean not to my own understanding during this process of financial literacy and freedom. I expect to reap in due season as the Lord directs my path to a financial fruitful life!

Faith without work is dead, therefore I will do the work to be free and whole in my finances. I am convinced, all things are possible with God! In the Name of Jesus!

Focus Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 9:8; Philippians 4:19; I timothy 6:10-11; Luke 6:38; Proverbs 3:9-10; Malachi 3:10; Matthew 25:14-30

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