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South Asian woman looking up in hope

Praying, Praising & Expecting!

by Marcia Menefield, 2022

Thank you, my daughters, that flow in the five/fo’
I am sensing your appetite for ME you want mo’

Intercessors I hear your plea
Notice that the enemy has to flee


Daughters don’t get frustrated at this time
Remember retribution and restitution is mine


Continue to pray, pursue, and sing my tunes
It allows a sweet atmosphere to commune


I promise a new thing and an extension
Listen, look, and really pay attention


Trust me, Sisters during this time as I till and turn the ground
I have placed you to help others uproot and become unbound


Know that I am positioning and posturing you for the next
Come closer to ME as I download, because sometimes it may seem quite complex


Yes, I am the CREATOR as you have mention
I granted compensation through retention


Daughter you are a mighty masterful essential
Continue to perceive and provoke others potential


I orchestrated the untimely bonus
They had to cough up the miracle as in the book of Jonas


Meditate, manage, and be mindful as you move
Cause the place I am taking you I have already approved


Promotion comes from ME, and I have spoken
Believe and receive change and chains will be broken


Eyes have not seen, and ears have not heard
In the seat, I have placed you with authoritative words


I am reviving and restoring a new energy
Everyone around you will be attracted to MY synergy


I will propel you and dress you in new attire
It will draw and direct others to you as you purpose them higher

Daughters I have strategically been preparing you as you operate in different places
You are able, absolute, and most of all anointed to do Kingdom business for all races


Daughters expect the unexpected as I will come upon you to speak, pray, and heal
At these times, listen and flow as others will see and it will substantiate that I am REAL


Daughters thank you for consistently calling things which do not exist as though they did
Because of your steadiness, stamina and stir, I promise I am revealing things that was hid


My daughters I am well pleased, you pray fervently, praise me ridiculously, and believe
As you have loved on ME expect a force of favor you will receive!

Scripture Reference: Ephesians 4:11-13; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Romans 12:19; Acts 16:25-28; Isaiah 43:19-21; Proverbs 3: 5-6; Isaiah 40:31; Jeremiah 29:11; Philippians 4:8-9; 1 Corinthians 2:9; Psalm 75:6-7; Romans 4:17; 1 John 2:27; Psalm 5:12; Ephesians 1:11; Psalm 84:11

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